Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles have become increasingly integral and important to businesses worldwide. Stakeholders are demanding high quality, standards, and transparency in their commitment to sustainability reporting, as well as the disclosure of the non-financial impacts of their business activities. 

Why Grant Thornton?

With the field rapidly evolving, businesses are grasping to understand how ESG impacts and integrates into their business planning and reporting.  Our ESG and Sustainability team is here to help you navigate the strategic approach that is required of ESG and sustainability reporting.

We have the size, scope, breadth, depth and global reach to serve dynamic organisations around the world. Our teams can provide you with a range of services that deliver real value and support investor confidence.

We coordinate, cooperate and communicate based on our shared global strategy, which ultimately leads to greater consistency and better quality.

We help our clients with their sustainability and ESG needs through the following services:

Capacity-building workshops & curriculum

We provide training and workshops to enhance the skills, knowledge and capabilities of individuals or groups in relation to ESG & Sustainability.

ESG strategy development, design and implementation support & roadmap

We provide assistance in developing and designing ESG strategy and roadmap to achieve your ESG goals

Climate change reporting readiness

We can assist in assessing your efforts, impacts and strategies related to climate change.

We can assist in assessing the impact of climate change on their financial information.

Materiality assessment

Help businesses identify and prioritise topics or indicators that are most significant or material to the operations and stakeholders such as investors, customers, community and critical to the operation and business.

GHG accounting

We provide guidance and advice to measure, monitor, control and track greenhouse gases emission into the atmosphere.

Review of Sustainability Report

We provide assistance in reviewing sustainability statement or report to ensure compliance with the requirements set by Bursa Malaysia's enhanced sustainability framework.

ESG reporting/statement

We provide assistance in sustainability reporting or statements that are in accordance with the reporting frameworks such as:

  1.  Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards 2021
  2.  Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations (TCFD-aligned disclosures)
  3.  United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
  4.  Integrated Reporting
  5.  IFRS S1 and S2
  6.  FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index
  7.  Common Sustainability Matters based on Bursa Malaysia’s Sustainability Reporting Guide 3rd edition
  8.  United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  9.  Greenhouse Gas Protocol
ESG Assurance

We will act as an independent assurance auditor to provide assurance on sustainability, ESG and non-financial data in accordance with ISAE 3000 (Revised) and ISAE 3410. This enhances the credibility and confidence of stakeholders in your sustainability reporting, ESG and non-financial information.